Some sights while out running...
Of course, it makes me so happy to see cows!
The Wayumi grounds (in Jersey Shore, PA).
Bus ride to the hike.
Lovely hike. Lovely scenery.
Lovely friends!
During our seminar week camping in hammocks was optional. I opted to try...then I opted to go back to my warm bed...just because I could!
future roomate Deborah, me, and accountability partner Michelle.
*Not pictured: We had classes every day where we learned about the steps involved in seeing mature churches planted and logistically some of the sacrifices and discipline required to make that happen.
Then we got to practice in a simulated tribal experience where we had to practice learning a tribal language, writing it out, saying it back and learning how to read it/how to teach others to learn to read it. Fascinating.
They offer weekend retreats, youth summer camps, and a course for college credit.
Totally worth your time if you're thinking of going into missions, supporting someone in missions, or know someone in missions (*that's all of y'all:)